Forked Tongue

Slithery Snake image by J3TPhotos from
The snake's forked tongue is highly recognizable.
Paint a red or black forked (split) tongue flicking out of the person's mouth. Make the tongue a thin, straight line starting in the middle of the bottom lip, extending downward toward the chin. "Fork" the painted tongue just above the chin. Fangs
Cobra Hood

Black Cobra in a Basket image by fotodewan from
Cobras used in snake charming performances are usually de-fanged.
Add character to your painted snake face by adding a cobra hood. King cobras are among the most well-known snakes because they are long (up to 18 1/2 feet long), have a flaring hood, raise themselves high when threatened, and are extremely deadly if they strike. (As "National Geographic" puts it, "It seems unfairly menacing that a snake that can literally 'stand up' and look a full-grown person in the eye would also be among the most venomous on the planet, but that describes the famous king cobra." "National Geographic" also notes that the venom in a single king cobra bite could "bring down an elephant.") Paint a downward-pointing triangular shape on the forehead, starting between the eyebrows and curving upward and outward to the hairline. Loop the lines down each side of the face, following the jawline, meeting under the chin.